On the24th and48th day, at the same salinity, the protease and amylase activity in descending order were as follows: pyloric caeca, intestine, stomach and liver; 第24天和第48天,在同一盐度下,各消化器官蛋白酶活力和淀粉酶活力高低顺序依次均为:幽门盲囊、肠道、胃和肝脏;
A new method using pedicle seromuscular graft from jejunum to reconstruct pyloric sphincter and pedical jejunal segment to reconstruct stomach was performed on 78 patients after total gastrectomy. 作者报告对78例全胃切除术患者,采用移植带蒂空肠浆肌片重建幽门括约肌及带蒂空肠段重建胃的新术式。
There were 8-9 pyloric caeca at the joint of the stomach and intestine, of which the morphologic and histological characters were similar to the cranial intestine's. 胃与肠相接处有8~9个指状幽门盲囊,其形态学和组织学特征与前肠类似;
Effects of pyloric local calcitonin gene-related peptide on bile acid reflux in rat stomach 大鼠幽门区降钙素基因相关肽与胆汁返流的关系
The effects of yttrium nitrate on gastric mucosa and gastric acid secretion were studied in the pyloric ligated stomach ( Shay test) and in the stomach of fasted rats. 本文研究硝酸钇对饥饿大鼠和幽门结扎大鼠的胃粘膜和胃酸分泌的影响。
The amylase activity sequence was liver> pyloric caeca> stomach> intestine; 淀粉酶活性大小顺序为:肝脏>幽门盲囊>胃>肠;
Gastrin immunoreactive cells distributed mainly in cardiac and pyloric stomach as well as duodenum. 胃泌素免疫反应细胞主要分布于胃贲门和幽门区以及十二指肠。
Som-cells were found more in stomachus cardiacus, stomachus fundus, less in stomachus pyloricus, least in oesophagus, and not in intestine. The pyloric division of stomach is muscular. 生长抑素(Som)免疫阳性细胞在胃贲门部和胃体部分布数量较多,胃幽门部较少,食管最少,而肠道各段均未检出;
The pyloric division of stomach is muscular. 食道与胃贲门部连接处有少量腺体出现。胃幽门部肌肉较发达。